'Hunting' - breaking houses This Is England
Cinematography -
Misc en scene: - Tootles in hunting gear (comedy effect)
- desolate abandoned housin, shows british poverty (common)
- pots and pans rattling from tootles, dangling off (makes it humourous and adventurous)
- rain (typical British weather)
- laughing when Woody falls over (and he was laughing)
- 'WOO WOO!' excitement
- smashing up things, glass and china breaking
- language (f you! to house)
- plastic guns
- 'I can't be doing this lads' in the silence
- hitting
- 'I'm disappointed in you'
- use of 'mate' shows the relationship between each other a
- shift into different scene through cultural music as dialogue fades out
links to thatcherism - housing problems and the poverty of England within the 80s
Cinematography -
Misc en scene: - Tootles in hunting gear (comedy effect)
- desolate abandoned housin, shows british poverty (common)
- pots and pans rattling from tootles, dangling off (makes it humourous and adventurous)
- rain (typical British weather)
- laughing when Woody falls over (and he was laughing)
- 'WOO WOO!' excitement
- smashing up things, glass and china breaking
- language (f you! to house)
- plastic guns
- 'I can't be doing this lads' in the silence
- hitting
- 'I'm disappointed in you'
- use of 'mate' shows the relationship between each other a
- shift into different scene through cultural music as dialogue fades out
links to thatcherism - housing problems and the poverty of England within the 80s
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