Curfew - short films

Curfew (2012) 

Genre: black comedy

Narrative - Man is interrupted from his suicide to take out niece, heavy character development

- opening shots contrast the classic audio with the panned shot of a red telephone, mixing with the dark red/brown/black colouring of the shots, a bloody, shaking hand slowly enters from the top of the wide screen shot, a blade between the fingers. Overlying diegetic phone call (close relation from the use of the name) shots show bloodied blade, shows current situation, and above shot shows main character in a blood filled bath. Contrast shot to other end of the line showing the little girl with a dead panned face.

- mid shots to show him trying heal himself, meets little girl, contrasting shots (mid screen with dead pan faces add humour), shots add humour to the scene (no smoking part), hidden things in shot give audience scare of what may happen, contrasts with the flip book - a symbol of him coming back to life, jump cuts to show span of time - humour of building up anger

- resolution involves the girl and man in close proximity to each other, more conversation, shots of restraining order to show narrative without speech, ending shots parallel beginning, bath phone call, different way of saying 'okay', smile at the end as happy music fades in

The Guy
His Sister
The Girl
