Short Films

  • Depicted the normality of modern life, a bus journey 
  • The idea of imagination that people can relate to due to its normality 
  • Blended the imagination into a normal life to intrigue/confuse audience 
  • No dialogue 
  • Instrumental orchestration
  • Close ups to show intimacy and what the eye doesn’t necessarily see
  • Facial expressions are heavily relied on 
  • Sweet yet bold idea 
  • The entwining of two imaginary scenarios with one real one in the middle to blur the line 
  • Small details which are after thoughts to be audience 

Pitch Black Heist:
  • shown in black and white colouring, reflects the title and ambience of narrative 
  • Storyline shown through dialogue 
  • Use of humour and normal culture twinned with a serious job (asking for tea during planning a heist) 
  • Use of props to make humour out of a serious situation 
  • Shift in narrative from the heist to learning more about characterisation 
  • Makes the men out to be friends 
  • Until one betrays the other during the heist 
  • Things go the way the original man telling them would go (no light) 
  • Genuinely shown with no light so relies on the audio to be aware of narrative 
  • Twist is when he lights the cigarette because we know there should be no light whatsoever 
  • Establishing shots of area at the end give off a mysterious feel that makes the audience want to see what could happen next 

The Gunfighter
  • humourous take on a normal salon stand off 
  • Period costume and set 
  • Narrator, a common feature, speaks yet the twist is the characters can hear him 
  • Therefore he knows what they’re going to do and their thoughts before them 
  • Causing conflictions which results in humour and a change in fate 
  • Speaks of cultural and societal issues such as inequality within genders, races and sexuality 
  • Shows the inevitability in their actions which makes it shocking yet not shocking 
